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With a $150 purchase in equipment we are discounting a membership to the Lawrence Brewer's Guild. For only $10 (instead of the regular $25) you can become a member to the Lawrence Brewer's Guild. We will pay the other $15. 


Membership benefits



Members have access to an online forum that not only keeps them up to date with upcoming events between meetings but also serves as a marketplace of ideas for homebrewing methods and recipes, a place to ask questions and an outlet for buying and selling equipment and supplies.


Rental equipment

The LBG owns two jockey boxes, a 10-tapper and four tents that are available to rent for members. An equipment rental calendar can be accessed through the members-only section of the forum.



The LBG owns more than 150 books and magazines covering the homebrew and craft beer world that are available for checkout for members. The materials are available for checking in and out at each meeting, as well as by appointment with the librarian. A complete list of available materials can be accessed through the members-only section of the forum.



A few local stores offer discounts to LBG members.

  • Lawrence Beer Co. – 50% off first pint
  • Servaes Brewing Co. (Shawnee) – $2 off first pour
  • Transport Brewing (Shawnee) – 15% off
  • Lawrence Brew Supply – 10% off
  • Praxair – 10% off
  • Cottons Hardware (Lawrence) – 5% off
  • And more! Ask at your favorite brewery!

Beer trips and tours

The LBG prides itself on exposing its members to some of the best craft beer available. In addition to local beer events in Lawrence and nearby in Kansas City and Topeka, members also frequently attend large beer festivals, including the National Homebrewers Conference, Great Taste of the Midwest and the Great American Beer Festival.

Lawrence Brewer's Guild Membership with qualifying purchase

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